GDPR policy.
Anne-Marie Shilling, Homeopath at Balanced Health with Homeopathy
Scope of the policy
This policy applies to the work of homeopath Anne-Marie Shilling (hereafter referred to as ‘AMS’). The
policy sets out the requirements that AMS has in order to gather personal information for professional
purposes. The policy details how personal information will be gathered, stored and managed in line
with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation. The policy is reviewed
on an ongoing basis to ensure that the AMS is compliant. This policy should be read in tandem with
the AMS's Privacy Policy.
Why this policy exists
This data protection policy ensures that AMS:
• complies with data protection law and follows good practice
• protects the rights of patients
• is open about how she stores and processes patients’ data
• protects herself from the risks of a data breach.
Data protection principles
AMS is committed to processing data in accordance with her responsibilities under the GDPR.
The General Data Protection Regulation identifies 8 data protection principles.
Principle 1 - Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
Principle 2 - Personal data can only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and
not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
Principle 3 - The collection of personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is
necessary compared to the purpose(s) data is collected for.
Principle 4 – Personal data held should be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every
reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate are erased or
rectified without delay.
Principle 5 – Personal data which is kept in a form which permits identification of individuals shall
not be kept for longer than is necessary.
Principle 6 - Personal data must be processed in accordance with the individuals’ rights.
Principle 7 - Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the
personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against
accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.
Principle 8 - Personal data cannot be transferred to a country or territory outside the European
Union unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and
freedoms of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data.
Certain of these principles are expanded upon in the sections that follow.
Lawful, fair and transparent data processing
AMS requests personal information from patients and potential patients for the purpose of consulting
with them and providing them with advice and guidance on homeopathic treatments. The forms
used to request personal information will contain a privacy statement informing patients and
potential patients why the information is being requested and what the information will be used for.
Patients will be asked to provide consent for their data to be held and a record of this consent along
with patient information will be securely held. Patients will be informed that they can, at any time,
remove their consent and will be informed as to what to do should they wish to do so.
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation, full and clear records of all treatments of clients are taken, kept and stored for seven years from the date of their last consultation, and in the case of children, seven years after their eighteenth birthday. At that point, all files will be securely destroyed and any digital information will be erased.
Processed for Specified, Explicit and Legitimate Purposes
Clients will be informed how their information will be used and AMS will seek to ensure that
Clients’ information is not used inappropriately. Appropriate use of information provided by
clients includes:
• Communicating with patients in order to make, change or cancel consultations
• Assessing the conditions and issues reported by patients and devising and prescribing
relevant remedies and therapies.
AMS will ensure that patients’ information is managed in such a way as to not infringe an
individual patient's rights which include:
• The right to be informed
• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erasure
• The right to restrict processing
• The right to data portability
• The right to object.
Adequate, Relevant and Limited Data Processing
AMS’s patients will only be asked to provide information that is relevant to support consultations and
prescription. This includes:
• Name
• Date of birth
• Gender
• Postal address
• Email address
• Telephone number
• Medical history.
Where additional information may be required, this will be obtained with the specific consent of the
patient who will be informed as to why this information is required and the purpose for which it will
be used.
There may be occasional instances where a patient’s information needs to be shared with a third
party due to an accident or incident involving statutory authorities. Where it is in the best interests
of the client or of AMS, in these instances where AMS has a substantiated concern, then consent does
not have to be sought from the patient.
Accuracy of Data and Keeping Data up to Date
AMS has a responsibility to ensure that patients’ information is kept up to date. Clients will be
required to let AMS know if any of their personal information changes.
Accountability and Governance
AMS is responsible for ensuring that her practice remains compliant with data protection requirements and can provide evidence that it has. For this purpose, those from whom data is required will be covered by the legal base of ‘legitimate interest’. Where data is to be shared, explicit consent will be obtained from the client and this consent will be formally recorded. This will be completed prior to any action being taken.
Secure Processing
AMS has a responsibility to ensure that data is both securely held and processed. This includes:
• using strong passwords for information held within computer systems
• restricting access to computer and paper-based files
• using password protection on laptops and PCs that contain or access personal information
• using password protection or secure cloud systems
• providing adequate virus-protection and firewall software to secure computer-based
Subject Access Request
AMS’s clients are entitled to request access to the information that is held by AMS. The request
needs to be received in the form of a written request to AMS.
On receipt of the request, the request will be formally acknowledged and dealt with within one month
unless there are exceptional circumstances as to why the request cannot be granted. AMS will
provide a written response detailing all information held on the client. A record shall be kept of
the date of the request and the date of the response.
Data Breach Notification
Were a data breach to occur, action shall be taken to minimise the harm. AMS will inform any
clients where she believes their personal information has been compromised. Where necessary,
the Information Commissioner's Office would be notified.
If a client contacts AMS to say that they feel that there has been a breach by AMS, she will ask the
client to provide an outline of their concerns. If the initial contact is by telephone, AMS will ask the
cliient to follow this up with an email or a letter detailing their concern. The concern will then be
investigated fully and a response made to the cliient. Breach matters will be subject to a full
investigation, records will be kept and all those involved notified of the outcome.
Policy review date: Every 2 years, next review due December 2023