Natural homeopath, Anne-Marie Shilling based in Ditton Priors, Shropshire.

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie

My story

In my mid-thirties, my journey with homeopathy began amidst a period of anxiety and depression triggered by the early loss of my mother due to cancer at the age of 53. At that time, I found myself pregnant with my second son while also caring for a toddler. Navigating this phase became a challenging task as I juggled pregnancies, breastfeeding, and sleepless nights. My general practitioner prescribed antidepressants intermittently between my four pregnancies, and I received counselling as well. Simultaneously, a significant relocation from the north to Shropshire added to the overwhelming circumstances. 

I eventually realised that medication alone was unable to alleviate the underlying sadness I felt. Looking back, I now understand that the unresolved grief for my mother was just one facet of my struggle. Hormonal imbalances and the cumulative stress of significant life events further contributed to an overall lack of energy and low mood. 

Fortunately, after settling in a Shropshire village, I connected with a fellow parent through the National Childbirth Trust. Coincidentally, she was undergoing training as a homeopath, and through a conversation with her, I decided to seek treatment. Initially focusing on addressing my deep-seated grief for my mother, I was prescribed a remedy and gently encouraged to write a letter to her. The stimulus of that gentle homeopathic remedy and the whole cathartic process allowed my tears to flow, initiating the start of my healing journey. 

With time, not only did the weight of grief lift, but correspondingly my energy and zest for life returned. Over a longer period, my overall health improved with previous recurrent physical conditions such as tonsillitis, hay fever and other allergies, as well as my anxiety, either diminished significantly or vanished entirely. Layer by layer, the roots of symptoms were brought to light, addressed and healed.

I continue to consult with my homeopath for ongoing maintenance also whenever I feel the need to regain balance in my life. This significant experience has instilled in me a clear awareness of how life events, and our lifestyle choices may impact our health and well-being.

Homeopathy for the family

With over 20 years of personal experience in homeopathy, I have witnessed its remarkable benefits firsthand both for myself, but also when used with the family.

I have successfully used homeopathic remedies to address acute illnesses, such as earaches, coughs, colds and infections, as well as injuries and first-aid situations in the home. The knowledge and basic remedies I gradually acquired provided me with a valuable toolkit, enabling me to care swiftly for my children, and reducing the need for urgent doctor appointments and reliance on over-the-counter medications.

A new career

My passion for homeopathy grew to the point when in 2017, I made a decision to pursue a comprehensive 4-year qualification, acquiring a licence to practise homeopathy professionally. I hold a Licentiate from the Contemporary College of Homeopathy, Bristol. As a practising homeopath now, I am bound to keep up to date with regular training and continual professional development.

Prior to embarking on this path, I had a fulfilling career in early years teaching. This both honed my communication skills and gave me experience in connecting with children and parents from diverse backgrounds, and familiarity with a wide range of health concerns. Drawing from this experience, I possess a deep understanding of children, parenting, and family dynamics, recognising how they may impact health and well-being.

Today, I am privileged to operate from a calm practice space within my own home.

Take back control of your health in a natural way with homeopathy and individually tailored health and lifestlye advice that is designed to get you back to feeling your very best